The only requirements to join are an enthusiasm for watching and reporting weather conditions and a desire to learn more about how weather can affect and impact our lives. By using low-cost measurement tools, stressing training and education, and utilizing an interactive Web-site, our aim is to provide the highest quality data for natural resource, education and research applications. Your observations continue to give scientists an ever clearer picture of where and how much precipitation falls throughout our communities.ĬoCoRaHS (pronounced KO-ko-rozz) is a grassroots volunteer network of backyard weather observers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and map precipitation (rain, hail and snow) in their local communities. It's easy to join, takes only five minutes a day and is a fun way to learn about this wonderful natural resource that falls from the sky. If you get the chance, please take a moment to tell a friend or neighbor about this exciting grassroots effort of citizens measuring precipitation right in their own backyards. How often have you seen it rain in your neighborhood and a few blocks away not a drop has fallen. The saying " Rain doesn’t fall the same on all" really proves to be true.

Know someone in Guam who might like to participate in measuring precipitation? To sign up just go to join CoCoRaHS, then click on United States and pull up Guam from the state field when you register. Reports received today as of 4:58 PM EDTĬoCoRaHS has recently expanded across the Pacific Ocean to the Island of Guam which is part of the Mariana Islands in the Western Pacific.